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- [Version]
- Signature="$CHICAGO$"
- Class=Printer
- Provider=%lexmark%
- [Manufacturer]
- "Fujitsu"
- [Fujitsu]
- "CA04040 FPS2" =LEXPS.DRV,CA04040_FPS2
- CopyFiles=LEXPS, UTILS
- DelFiles=LEXPS_DEL
- DataSection=LEXPS_DATA
- [LEX4079]
- CopyFiles=LEXPS, UTILS, ICM4079
- DelFiles=LEXPS_DEL
- DataSection=LEXPS_DATA
- lexps.drv
- lexpslng.dll
- lexps.hlp
- lexps.cnt
- lexps.avi
- lexpsext.dll
- ptapiw16.dll
- lexmv95.dll
- lexmv95.hlp
- lexmv95r.dll
- lexbce.dl_
- lexbcelm.dll
- lexlmpm.dll
- lexstart.ex_
- [ICM4079]
- ps4079.icm
- lexpseng.dll
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- lexps.drv=1
- lexpslng.dll=1
- lexps.hlp=1
- lexps.cnt=1
- lexps.avi=1
- lexpsext.dll=1
- ptapiw16.dll=1
- lexmv95.dll=1
- lexmv95.hlp=1
- lexmv95r.dll=1
- lexbce.dl_=1
- lexbcelm.dll=1
- lexlmpm.dll=1
- lexstart.ex_=1
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,LexStart,0,LexStart.EXE
- HKCR,CLSID\{51cd8140-d32b-11ce-b1c0-08005a49dfe9},,0,LEXPS Shell Extension Handler
- HKCR,CLSID\{51cd8140-d32b-11ce-b1c0-08005a49dfe9}\InProcServer32,,0,lexpsext.dll
- HKCR,CLSID\{51cd8140-d32b-11ce-b1c0-08005a49dfe9}\InProcServer32,ThreadingModel,0,Apartment
- HKCR,Printers\shellex\CopyHookHandlers\LEXPSShellExt,,0,{51cd8140-d32b-11ce-b1c0-08005a49dfe9}
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"version=411"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; disables Fast Printing and NPA if uncommented"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; 386Enh=0"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; removes 3-D dialog effects if uncommented"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; USE3D=0"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; forces print jobs not to use NPA if uncommented"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; USENPA=0"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; forces print jobs not to use PJL if uncommented"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; USEPJL=0"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; disables Overlay, Font, and Header download pushbuttons if uncommented"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; Download=0"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; disables application's Print Quality settings if uncommented"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; UseAppRes=0"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; Enables driver's use of Y resolution if uncommented"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; UseYRes=1"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; Allows the driver to generate postscript instead of app. if uncommented"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; UseDrvPS=1"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; Allows the printer to rotate ports at the end of the job"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; UsePortRotate=1"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; Enables driver to report printer as a color device"
- %11%\newlexps.ini, "Driver Info",,"; UseColorDev=1"
- system.ini, "386Enh", "device=lex01.386", , 1
- ;
- ; The line below causes "device=*vpd" to be removed from SYSTEM.INI.
- ; We shouldn't do this...should we?
- ;
- ; system.ini, "386Enh", "device=vpd.386", , 1
- [DestinationDirs]
- DefaultDestDir=11
- ICM4079=23
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1=%disk1%,,
- DriverFile=LEXPS.DRV
- HelpFile=LEXPS.HLP
- LanguageMonitor=%LEX_NPM_MONITOR%
- [LanguageMonitorHints]
- "Fujitsu Network Printer Monitor"="Fujitsu Network Printer Monitor,LEXLMPM.DLL"
- [Strings]
- disk1="Fujitsu Printer Driver Disk"
- lexmark="Lexmark"
- LEX_NPM_MONITOR="Fujitsu Network Printer Monitor,LEXLMPM.DLL"